PP Product and Content Delivery
At the core of the OGNR-Incompass system is an intelligent, automated document (e.g., file) delivery system.
- Racing Calendar. Operator inputs its monthly simulcast calendar into Simo-Central.
- Document Production. As referenced above, Programs and other Content document files are produced.
- File Delivery:
- Files are delivered via Incompass’ auto-delivery as generated to an account-specific OGNR FTP Server. Operator developed or other third party content files are sent directly to OGNR via email or posted directly to the OGNR FTP Server.
- Files are processed into the OGNR Central Server as they become available. Each file is renamed/indexed into the proper format to designate date, category (thoroughbred, harness, etc.), product type (full card, single race, tip sheet, profile sheet, etc.), track, race or other category.
- Each Kiosk has a unique identifier whether standalone or part of a larger operating network/group.
- Every three minutes, each Kiosk queries, requests then downloads from its assigned server new and/or updated files.
- Changes and Cancellations. OGnR understands the dynamics of the racing environment. Thus, once notified of track cancellations and schedule changes, OGnR updates your kiosks inside of 15 minutes.
- Files are stored locally for faster print.
- Automated Document Pricing. The system allows for variable Product pricing, packaging/bundling of product, special/promotional and/or featured track pricing. OGNR helps Operator’s understand the underlying economics of Product supply cost to help price decisions for optimize margin. Once pricing has been defined, the System assigns price by document type.
- Pricing Override. If a specific document for a specific track/event is to be offered at a different price other than dictated by that file's automated document type, an override may be generated assigning that document a special price. For example, if the document type for a full card thoroughbred program is $2.00, but a $1.00 special incentive or promotional offer has been established for a particular track, an override price may be set for that particular card at $1.00 and will remain in effect until it is removed.